Dear Tom,
What a delight to read your feelings about your trips to the African Bush, my HOME!
It deeply touched my soul and I so wish that everyone would feel 1/10th of what you do feel and come out so enriched by the experience.
As a forth generation African, I was very privileged in having both Parents who taught me so much about Wildlife, environment and conservation, having taking me to the bush at the age of 2. And it never stopped. The more I learn about it the more I want to learn.
I know I belong there and will end my life there. My soul is there.
I do not consider myself a Wildlife Photographer, but I do photograph. More often than not, after a few shots, I just lay down my cameras and enjoy/seize the moment. It became so much more important than to take back "the" photograph.
If I can be of any assistance, with my deep knowledge of the African continent and as an African Specialist Tour Operator, please, do not hesitate to ask.
It will be a pleasure to give you my best advise.
Wishing you a fabulous trip in July.
With my best wishes and Light,
I am,
Irene Grilo