Created 2-Oct-13
0 photos

~ This series comprises a variety of butterflies on Buddleja (醉鱼草)…Pieris rapae (菜粉蝶), an Ochlodes sp. (赭弄蝶), Pontia daplidice (云粉蝶) and Tongeia fischeri (玄灰蝶) are shown in these handheld mid-afternoon images…one photograph shows a banded bee, two butterflies and in the background a hovering Pantala flavescens (薄翅蜻蜓)
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Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Beijing, Buddleja, EF 300mm f/4L IS, EOS 1D X, Lepidoptera, Ochlodes sp., Pieris rapae, 云粉蝶, 玄灰蝶, 菜粉蝶, 薄翅蜻蜓, 赭弄蝶, 醉鱼草